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Have you plateaued?
Do you struggle to finish your races feeling strong?
Do you want to nail a PB marathon or ultra marathon distance?
Do you want to reach your highest potential as an athlete?
Are you sick and tired of having injuries and niggles all the time?
Are you new to running and not sure where to start?


Take out the guesswork from your running, let's optimize your training and
Hey, we're Chris & Char, founders of CMF Running!
Our mission is to coach runners and athletes of all abilities to any surface and distance races- so you can achieve your specific individual goals.
Engaging community through the CMF RUN CLUB, and at events, we strive to foster connection, belonging, and health- helping to transform great people into great athletes!


We prescribe your individual specific run, strength, and mobility training on Training Peaks, the worlds #1 endurance training platform



We then coach and mentor you through your training up to and including race day, where you'll find us and other runners and athletes from the CMF RUN CLUB also running and supporting you!


Personalised Training Zones

We set and continually review your heart rate, pace, and power training zones through fitness testing that's specific to you and your level of running.

You are an Individual!

Coaching isnt just a training plan; it's the prescription of training thats optimised for you supported by expert guidance and feedback

Adjustments to Training

Life, and sometimes niggles pop up- if we need to adjust the training to suit your needs- we will! Thats part of what coaching is

No Cookie Cutter Plans

And no broad generic advice. We can see your training on our side, so we're able to provide feedback, encouragement and accountability. This ensures the best possible result for you and your running goals!

Syncs with your watch

Your training sessions sync with your watch. This is awesome when your doing a prescribed session as you don't have to remember what your doing. Just follow the prompts!

Your Coach Sees your Training

We can see your completed training on our side. This is great not only for accountability, but it also helps us help you better as we can give pointers on how to improve if need be, or when to dial things back a little.


Chris Lucas

Head Coach & CMF Founder

  • 20 Years Experience Mentoring & Leadership
  • 1 Year Run Coaching Mentorship with Dr Will O'Connor- 2021/2022
  • 5 Years Experience Run Coaching Specific
  • Lifetime of Running & Training Experience
  • Training Peaks Accredited Run Coach
  • Athletics NZ Accredited Run Coach

Charlotte Milne (Char)

Run & Strength Coach

  • Qualified Personal Trainer- Level 4 & 5 Certificates
  • 7 Years Experience Strength Coach
  • 4 Years Experience Full Time Run Coach
  • Lifetime of personal Running & Strength Training Experience
  • Continued upskilling with NZHIF Pro-Series- Personal Training

Kim Moffat

Run & Health Coach

  • 2 Years Experience Run Coaching
  • 20 Years Experience Health Coaching
  • Degree in Naturopathy
  • Functional Nutrition Certified
  • Lydiard Certified Run Coach- Level 1 & 2

Kendall Peacock

Run Coach

  • 30 years Fitness, Leadership, & Mentoring experience
  • 2 Years Run Coaching specific experience
  • Extensive running shoe knowledge
  • Ultra & Adventure planning Specialist
  • CTS Ultra Running Certification (currently ongoing)

What the CMF CREW have to say

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